Friday, November 07, 2008

Bradley or Wilder effect

I made a post a while ago in which I expressed my misanthropically generated theory that there was just no way that American's would elect a black president and furthermore, that the Bradley effect would indeed be demonstrated as true and would be augmented by the nature of a presidential election. Gleefully, I was wrong.

This effect goes by various names, Bradley effect, Wilder effect, Shy Tory Factor and Spiral of Silence. Under any name, it demonstrates that for some reason or another, pre-election pollsters will get inaccurate data because a percentage of those polled will either lie or will not admit a certain affiliation. In my misanthropy, I thought for sure this would show itself greatly in this election. I happily admit that I misjudged Americans.

Here is an article reviewing the '08 presidential election.

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