Monday, March 31, 2008

The Large Hadron Collider

There have been fanatic claims that the Large Hadron Collider that is to go online soon is going to damage earth somehow or perhaps create some sort rip in the time continuum... These nonsensical claims have, paradoxically, stirred up from some very influential physicists and other scientists around the world. The only connection between some of these claimants and CERN, is that the claimants could be jealous that they aren't able to work on the LHC and therefore want to scare the public against the LHC... Other than that, anyone who is afraid of the LHC is a quack and ought to be completely ostracized.

Anyone who knows the basics of astrophysics knows that the reactions of the LHC will fall vastly short of the very harmless cosmic interactions which occur in our atmosphere every day. Furthermore, those who think the LHC will harm anything or anyone miss the fact that the black hole creation in the LHC will be so minuscule that it will not be able to react with anything and will dissipate almost instantly... Honestly, I think that the people who are filing these claims against the LHC ought to have their statements recorded, and then after the LHC goes online, they should be publicly humiliated for attempting to hurt the progress of real science because of their own petty personal concerns.

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