Tuesday, March 25, 2008


It completely eludes me how a person could run for public office, of any distinction, perform some of the requisite duties whilst simultaneously abandoning the principles upon which the office is founded. Furthermore, abandoning the trust of the public, who espoused trust in the elected individual via the electoral process, in such a manner accrues particular disdain in my eyes. The hubris required to pull off such a blatant disregard for the public is far beyond my comprehension and thus I am motivated to think that instead of some sort of arrogance, one who can do such a thing either suffers from a mental deficiency or is evil beyond mere pride.

The desiderata of a person who could act in such a way ought to be of particular inspection as it may elucidate the motivations which lead to such betrayal and thus may allow us to identify scoundrels earlier. With all this said, I am not naive, i know this betrayal will occur from time to time, this fact does not, however, remove the desire to eliminate such potential betryal from our political officers.

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