Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Its all you really need.

Man I wish I had Gannas... I wish I could stave off the false-desire to do nothing...

Epicureanism describes that the three true desires for happiness are friendship, freedom and an analyzed life. Although Epicurius himself was a complete atheist, I believe he has some very good points. If you analyze all advertising, they will make attempts at desplaying their product in such a way that it will appeal to your desire to have friends and or freedom and thus attempt to align their advertised product, often something you do not need, with something you truely need. The analyzed life is something advertising rarely attempts to portrey because it is far more difficult to comprehend yet it is really the only thing I have going for me.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What do I find the hardest part about writing an essay CL

Beyond any question, the beginning. At one time I would force myself to write the rest of the essay and then go back and write the intro paragraph. Then that became a practice that has made writing essay MUCH easier for me! It feels more natural to me and since your intro and conclusion paragraphs are really paraphrases of the body of your paragraph, it really helps. For me, if I get a subject in mind I will explore that topic and just run with it. Churn out paragraph after paragraph about the topic at hand with no organization. Often the paragraphs flow from one aspect of the topic to the next and thus coherient paragraphs come about, but not always. But after I get 3 pages of body paragraphs the hard part is done. I then go through the paragraphs I created and take one line from each that appear to be the "topic" of the paragraph and lay those sentances out. After I do that it is merely a matter shifting them around and editing them so that they tie in togheter so that they look like an opening paragraph. Then I just try to find some sort of way to tie everything together with an ending tone to get the concluding paragraph and then the essay is complete (draft 1 anyway).

But since I dont really start an essay out with the introduction anymore, i'd say that the hardest part of writing an essay for me now is to narrow down my thoughts on the topic to some concise articulation rather than the jumble they tend to be.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

this is hypnotic.. and sort of scary..

what fell things i come across in my search of knowledge of the LOTR stuff

Monday, June 12, 2006

Some truisms and sayings of mine:

I am a Christian in that I follow the way, Jesus Christ. I am a Catholic in that I believe that Jesus Christ's teachings of Peace, Love and tolerance apply without exception to all.

Life is a continual struggle against doing nothing

Gannas; it is all you really need.

A Government collapses when there are vastly more answers than questions.

I wonder, in the dictionary for the definition of dictionary, do they just have "this".

I do not wish to get my point across simply, I wish to get it across completely.

The brianless want a strong leader; I want a smart leader who can and will do what he says he will do.

That which is hard to come by will be cherished more than that which is given in passing.

No one listens to the quiet, but no likes the loud...

All I have to do is think and I create chaos... what a burden is that!

The most important thing is not life, but the good life.

I am wiser than a man who thinks he knows more than I. I am such because I know that I know nothing, where as he does not quite get it yet that he knows nothing as well.

It's not an insult to a dead man to say that he is dead...

Propaganda everywhere,
but not a thought to think

the religious right isn't;
the moral majority aren't either

Sunday, June 11, 2006

a Day in the Life of life

a Day in the Life of life

the gears, they crank and turn
beginning the processes; run.
For when is the life the life to be lived,
And when is the life a Life of the Prived?
i do not go
you do not go
we do not go; should we?

these gears have cranked
churned out something grand,
processes of the neurological
i can tell by the urealogical

when do we cancel
the rating and score
when are we fanciful
with this our score

listen carefully, you cannot miss a beat
if you do you will fly and cry, “come with us”
they and you will say, in the market of the street.
A wall is there, does no one care?
Can they not see the wall? They named it and all!

yet on and on we go, they go
i’d rather not be of “they”
yet how shall i stay?

No food to grind, no wheat to bake
Hither hence i shall wince

and move along to the market of the street

no one

go no
one to know

my friend it is not tooo- bad.
join Us and see our market, its pretty clean,
Upstanding and lean.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

God, God's "justification", and slavery.

I recently had a discussion with a guy who is not an atheist, as true atheism is impossible in my opinion, but he questions God as a contemptible being. Right in line with C.S. Lewis', et el., early life beliefs that God is not the Good omnipotence, omniscience that we Catholics know Him as, rather, God is some contemptible being who has made grave errors and thus should give us "non-existence" as an alternate to his present options; be with Him or not.

This discussion was about slavery and Christ's biblical teaching that a slave should be good to his master and a master should be good to his slave. This discussion brought up old familiar theories of mine that there are just too many differences between our society and the society Jesus preached in. I think this is one huge defining factor in why there is so much scorn against Catholicism in present times. One could not feasibly pull this off, however, I feel that much the same as a hypochondriac should not be introduced to medical texts until cured or the disease is under control, some people should not be introduced to the bible until he or she has been surrounded by good representations of the reality of the Catholic Church.

I really like this guy, much like Voltaire, he is a worthy adversary and thus I would like to continue debates with him. But, as usual, if he constantly comes in the debate with misinformation or inference from shaky evidence, there will be very distasteful debates instead of healthy discourse.

Friday, May 26, 2006


A compilation I made a few years ago of some things I read about and by Voltaire. Even though he was rather in opposition to my world-view, he had singular vision:

"The wicked can have only accomplices, the voluptuous have companions in debauchery, self-seekers have associates, the politic assemble the factions, the typical idler has connections, princes have courtiers. Only the virtuous have friends."

"Of all religions, Christianity is without a doubt the one that should inspire tolerance most, although, up to now, the Christians have been the most intolerant of all men."

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."

"As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities."

"It is better to risk saving a guilty man than to condemn an innocent one."

"I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

"If this world were what it seems it should be, it is clear that it would be impossible for one man to enslave another."

"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."